work with us


Reap the rewards of a deep connection with your most valuable asset - your people.

Our unique holistically tailored wellness talks and workshops provide the opportunity for your talent to discover and explore their inner verses from an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual perspective. Resulting in greater levels of self-awareness while also elevating their emotional intelligence in order to cultivate confidence, creative thinking, collaboration, openness and communication skills that will further elevate them towards success!


  • Understand how to unpack the power of your inner child.

    Discover how to honor mindsets, shaped by past childhood experiences, that affect relationships in the workplace or at university.

    Leverage this power in personal development, advance your career, strengthen intuition, and elevate emotional intelligence.

    With self-love as the foundation, unlock the resiliency, creativity, and compassion necessary for tackling difficult situations. LEARN MORE HERE

  • Empowering you to connect and unleash your true self by embracing the divine feminine power through creative expression, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening.

    Be liberated from fear of judgment, encouraged authentic self-expression in both personal and professional spheres.

    Learn to navigate difficult conversations with grace and compassion for yourself and others.

    Foster deeper connection to your inner wisdom, and purpose, allowing for your voice to be loudest you hear. LEARN MORE HERE

  • A unique blend of spirituality and practicality to all offerings – perfect for those seeking spiritual discovery in a down-to-earth way from group meditations, mediumship readings & sharing circles to self love workshops & more. LEARN MORE HERE

STEP 2: Select a Session Format

  • Workshops

    An enlightening 1-hour or 1-hour 30mins interactive session including Q&A delivered by our founder, Spiritual Teacher & Inner Child Work Specialist, Patience M. Chigodora


    30-45 minutes transformational speech or Live Q&A session with our founder, Patience M. Chigodora - Spiritual Teacher & Inner Child Work Specialist.

    • We offer an array of resources to support your growth and self-discovery journey, including:

      • Workshops

        • Recordings

        • Toolkits & Worksheets through InnerVerses

        • An InnerVerses Membership

        • Summary Articles

      • Keynote

        • Recordings 

        • Group coaching

        • Summary Articles