What does It mean to be a spiritual person?

Being a spiritual person is all about embracing the essence of who you truly are—your "be-ing." It's about cultivating a deep connection with yourself, with others, and with the world around you.

By definition and at the core, spirituality describes your connection with the divine. When I think of spirituality, I envision a sense of unity and interconnectedness, where we recognise that we’re all part of something much larger than ourselves…this something is found within us (not outside) and is who we are, our true nature. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, and our spirituality is expressed in how we choose to live, grow, and connect on this journey.

Spirituality is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It is deeply personal and can be practiced in countless ways. Whether through religion, cultural rituals, mindfulness practices, or by simply living with compassion, kindness and empathy—spirituality is about aligning your life with what nourishes your soul. It’s the freedom to explore, to create your own path, and to express yourself in ways that feel authentic to you. 

For me, being spiritual means being in tune with the divinity within me, the energy and expressions of this divinity around me e.g. nature, relationships with others and most importantly relationship with self, embracing the present moment, and finding joy in the simple, sacred connections with life.

Steps for Beginners to Start Implementing a Spiritual Lifestyle

.Starting a spiritual journey begins with getting to know yourself—really know yourself. This means taking the time to explore yourself - your inner world, to understand your desires, fears, and aspirations. 

Ask yourself - Who am I outside of my roles in others lives and responsibilities? What brings me joy? What makes me feel at peace? What aspects of my life do I want to nurture and grow? What excites me? 

The biggest thing is learning to listen, listening to the nudges, feelings and thoughts that come up…this is the beginning of intentionally listening to your intuition which is how your divinity communicates with you! Once you have a clearer picture of who you are, you can begin to incorporate practices that resonate with you. This might be as simple as starting your day with a few moments of mindfulness, breath work or ending it with a quiet reflection or prayer. Maybe you find solace in nature, journaling, or meditating, running, music or through arts and crafts. The beauty of spirituality is that there’s no right or wrong way to practice it. It’s about what feels right to you, what helps you connect with your inner self, and what brings you a sense of peace and purpose. The key is to start small, be consistent, and allow your spiritual practices to evolve naturally as you grow.

Increase in the use of services

It’s been incredibly rewarding to see more and more people reaching out for spiritual guidance and healing. Over the past year, I've noticed a growing interest in the services I offer—spiritual life coaching, intuitive counselling and psychic mediumship readings, spiritual hypnotherapy, inner child healing and wellness workshops and products. This shift speaks to a broader movement where people are beginning to prioritize their sense of self, inner well-being and seek deeper connections with themselves and others.

What’s most inspiring is the common thread among those who come to me—they’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery. They’re eager to explore their intuition, to find balance, and to break free from the societal pressures of constant productivity and "hustle culture." There’s a growing awareness that life is about more than just the grind; it’s about nurturing the soul, finding inner peace, and living in alignment with one’s true self and expressing this in passions and purpose. 

Shift Toward Spirituality

I’ve noticed that more people are leaning towards a pan-spiritual approach—a beautiful blend of various spiritual practices and beliefs that resonate with them personally. This approach allows for flexibility and freedom, letting individuals pick and choose what feels right at any given moment in their lives. Whether it’s drawing from the teachings of organized religion, embracing elements of cultural traditions, or exploring new spiritual philosophies, this approach is all about the freedom to define for yourself and find what speaks to your soul.

For me, this pan-spiritual approach is incredibly liberating. It gives me the space to grow, to explore, and to change my practices as I evolve. It encourages me to be open-minded and to embrace the idea that spirituality is not static—it’s a continuous, ever-changing journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It’s about finding love within yourself, nurturing that love, and allowing it to guide you on your path.

The longest and most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. It might sound cliché, but it’s true—everything you need is already within you. Your spiritual journey is about awakening to this truth, aligning with it, and expressing it in ways that feel authentic and meaningful to you. It’s a journey that’s uniquely yours, and the beauty lies in how you choose to explore it. So, why not start today? Embrace who you are, love yourself fully, and allow your spirituality to guide you to a life of peace, joy, and fulfilment. 

If you’d like to connect further, you can:

🙋🏾‍♀️ Book a Discovery Call: Explore our 1:1 or group hypnotherapy, spiritual life coaching, and intuitive spiritual reading sessions.

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