angel numbers: 444 is speaking to you 🔮


Angel Numbers: How Your Spirit Team Communicate Using Numbers

  • What are angel numbers?

  • Most common places people may see them?

  • Magic number 444 & What it means

  • What to you do if you keep seeing 444

Firstly, let's talk about what angel numbers are. Stemming the practice of Numerology (rooted in origins traceable back thousands of years to ancient civilisations in Africa, Asia and Europe), they are sequences of numbers that hold spiritual significance and are believed to be messages from your spiritual team (and yes, you have them and they are made up of Angels, the Universe, Spirit guides, Ancestors and Deity (ies) of your choice).

In general, angel numbers can present themselves in many ways. Some of the most common numbers you might see are 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, and 999. Each number has a specific meaning and significance. For instance, 111 signifies spiritual awakening and new beginnings, while 888 signifies abundance and prosperity. It's important to note that seeing an angel number repeatedly can be a powerful sign that you're on the right path and paying attention to the context of each angel number can provide valuable insights into your own life,  helping you to interpret the messages your Spirit team are sending your way.

Now, let's dive into some of the most common places people may see 444. This number can appear in many ways, including as a time (4:44), on a price tag, or even as the number of likes on a social media post, license plates, billboards, receipts, and digital clocks. Some people may also see this number in their dreams or during meditation (the possibilities are endless). It's essential to remember that there's no one right way to receive angel messages, so be open to how it shows up for you personally.

So, what should you do if you keep seeing 444? Know that this is a powerful message of love, protection and guidance in all areas of your life. Numerology says that 444 is all about practicality but with a spiritual twist - think of it like a heavenly personal assistant! It's your spiritual team saying "You're loved", “You’re protected and supported” and "manifest like the universe is your playground (which it truly is)!" On top of this, not only can you expect wealth and success, but also spiritual growth and enlightenment

“All you have to do is ask, be open to receiving their messages and trust and pay attention when they pop up!”

On top of this, paying attention to the context in which you see the number 444 can provide additional clues as to what your Spirit team may be trying to communicate with you. For example, if you see 4:44 on your digital clock when you're feeling uncertain about a decision, this could be a sign that your angels are trying to reassure you and remind you that you have their support. If you see 444 on a license plate while driving to an important meeting, this could be a sign that you're on the right track and that success is on the horizon. 

If you feel called to take action, then by all means, go for it! Write your goals down or record a voice note, create a vision board or crystal grid; practice positive self-talk and affirmations; meditate; feng shui your space; connect with nature (hug a tree if necessary) - do whatever feels right for you.  It's important to note that the most important thing is what resonates with you personally. 

In summary, when you keep seeing 444, take it as the universe secretly winking at you. At that moment; 

  • Take a deep breath, feel the love and light surrounding you, and trust that everything is unfolding for your highest good. 

  • Listen to your heart and trust the guidance it brings

  • Pay close attention to the context you're in (mentally, emotionally, and physically) and reflect on what it means to you, expressing it practically in the form that best suits you.

So, keep shining, keep believing in yourself, and never forget that you are a beautiful spark of divine consciousness with a unique purpose to fulfill. Also, remember that your Spirit team (Angels, Ancestors, Spirit guides, the Universe - all High Vibrational Beings) are always here to support and guide you on your journey - all you have to do is ask, be open to receiving their messages and trust and pay attention when they pop up!

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I hear you, I see you and I love you - Patience xo


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