How To Heal Your Inner Child: Becoming the Centre of Your InnerVerse Bitesize Series

chapter one: coming up

  • An Introduction to Healing Your Inner Child

  • The Disturbing Statistics

  • what and who exactly is the Inner Child?

An Introduction to Healing Your Inner Child.

Do you feel lost and without a sense of purpose in your life? Do you feel like something is missing, but you can’t quite put your finger on it or maybe you find yourself making the same habitual ‘mistakes’ over and over again? If so, it could be your subconscious lovingly letting you know that — it’s time to heal your inner child. The inner child is that part of us that is sacred, innocent and pure (the little babies in us all).

When that part doesn’t receive the amount of nurturing desired in childhood, it can lead to low-vibration feelings such as low self-esteem, shame, addiction, and depression, to name a few. In this edition of ‘Being the Centre of Your Inner-Verse Bitesize Series’, we will cover what and who the inner child is in order to kickstart your journey of healing your inner child and becoming the unapologetic centre of your own Inner Verse!

The Disturbing Statistics

  • Research suggests that those with poor self-esteem are significantly more prone to feel anxiety, sadness, and even suicidal thoughts.

  • According to this poll, the term “How to be more confident” was searched 27,000 times (2020–2021); that is, 74 times each day, individuals all over the world are anxiously seeking an answer to becoming confident.

  • According to Dr Perry’s research on children’s development from his book What Happened to You, 2021, which explored the impact and influence that early childhood has on the adult self. They discovered that the adult self’s identity, as well as emotional and mental intelligence, develop throughout the first seven years of development. From the time you are in your mother’s womb until you are seven years old, the experiences you observe firsthand — energetically, psychologically, physically, and emotionally — all contribute to the stories you attach to yourself that become part of your identity…kinda scuu-rry (Nella Rose’s voice)!

Okay, so what and who exactly is the Inner Child?

The foundation of your InnerVerse is your inner child. Everyone carries a child within them. Simply said, the inner child is You; it is a perfectly pure, free-spirited, curious, and joyful child-like personality that you have kept hidden in your subconscious mind all these years. It’s a component of the subconscious mind that stores all of your suppressed childhood memories, experiences, and true feelings — which return from time to time and drive some of your core adult self behaviours.

This is the part of you that is connected to your true self, intuition, and imagination. It is also the part of you that experiences all of your emotions, both positive and negative. You are born without any filters or barriers as a child. You are the epitome of purity and sincerity. But, as you get older and are exposed to a variety of influences in your environment, as well as conditioning from others, this forms the basis of the stories you build your own sense of self, or identity on. The subconscious mind is a strong yet straightforward tool. It is really simple to use and will do exactly what you instruct it to do — this is amplified when you believe it. A belief is a habitual concept that has been instilled via repetition; in other words, the more you think the same thoughts, the subconscious mind accepts it as a belief and makes no distinction between pleasant and unpleasant thoughts; it simply performs what YOU tell it to.

As you progress through the phases of ‘adulting,’ you may start realising that the stories that formed your identity no longer correspond with who you are today, who you want to become, or that you are not living your life to its full potential, and that something (usually difficult to explain or express) is preventing you from reaching your full potential — mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. By healing your Inner Child, you can reclaim control and bring awareness to the subconscious part of your mind. You have the choice to begin to unlearn and free yourself from the patterns of the past that are manifesting in the present. That is why healing your inner child is transformational because you can literally become the version you always needed — as you were a child and the adult self!

In summary, by becoming aware and creating the version of yourself that you have always desired, you can begin the process of reclaiming your power — exploring your creative side, discovering your life’s purpose, and living a more authentic and fulfilling existence. Transitioning from a state of pain, anxiety and survival mode to peacefully thriving. So, how do you go about healing your Inner Child? To understand why you are the way you are right now, you must first acknowledge what happened to you. We’ll go into more detail in the next edition and chapter two of the ‘Being the Center of Your Inner-Verse Bitesize Series’.

If you are ready to begin your own journey of transformation, I invite you to join me. I know that you can do it. Trust me, you are not alone. Let’s connect — find out more information here.

Until then beautiful beings — embrace your divine healing power and raise your vibration daily with the Inner-Verse Tribe Playlist curated to support you in becoming the unapologetic centre of your own inner verse.

I hear you, I see you and love you — Patience. xoxo


angel numbers: 444 is speaking to you 🔮


My Story: Transforming Pain into power & purpose by Patience M. Chigodora.